Saturday, November 28, 2009

2nd post.

Okay, another post for today! ^-^ 20 more days to 18th December, can't wait seriously. Hopefully we'll be able to smile and walk out of the school gate yeap? :)

Hmm, im asking whether anyone of you have pictures of yourself and some of our classmates or whatever from year 2008 onwards?

If you guys have, please send it to me through msn aite. Im going to make a slideshow and like seriously, i already got some with me and its like... so funny and memorable!

In conclusion, we've changed alot and i slimmed down alot. BAHAHAHHAHA.

Okay frubbish. -.- Tag more okay! :D

Miss you guys loads :)

Friday, November 27, 2009

Again, class blog is once created by me. Thinking that we are going to be seperated soon, we will be going different routes, its only a "maybe" that we will still be studying together. So i've decided to open up a class blog so that everyone could keep in touch.

I'll be posting up a slide show of our classmates, pictures from year 2008 and also year 2009. Do tag often and see you guys on the 18th of December soon okay classmates? :)

I miss you all, takecare! ^.^